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Mag Marín

  • Price: To consult
  • Components: 2pax
  • Time: 45min.

Jose Marin Tello whose stage name is Mag Marín was born in the city of Granollers, Barcelona in 1989. From a young age, the stage has been part of the important facets of his life.
He dedicated himself professionally to the world of magic in 2008, and despite his youth, he has already stepped foot on the biggest stages in Spain and has shared a dressing room with some of the greatest headliners in the magic industry both nationally and internationally. Backed and produced by some of the biggest names in theatre, music, and dance, Mag Marín has become one of the most sought-after magicians for some of the most notable events.

Featured Awards:

  • National Magician Award in Spain in 2014
  • National Magician Award in France in 2014
  • Galardon Magicus in 2012

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